Corpus: Occipital lobe

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from Latin: occipitium - back of the head
Synonyms: occipital lobe, occipital lobe, lobus occipitalis
The occipital lobe is the most dorsal part of the cerebrum (telencephalon).
The occipital lobe lies above the cerebellar tent (tentorium cerebelli) and borders anteriorly on the parietal lobe (lobus parietalis) and the temporal lobe (lobus temporalis). It is separated from the parietal lobe by the parietooccipital sulcus. Its most posterior part is the occipital pole (polus occipitalis).
Among other things, the occipital lobe houses the primary and secondary visual centres (visual cortex).
Vascular supply[Bearbeiten]
The occipital lobe is mainly supplied by the posterior cerebral artery.
Haemorrhages or trauma result in characteristic deficits:
- Unilateral damage to the primary visual centre leads to contralateral visual field defects.
- Bilateral damage to the primary visual centre leads to cortical blindness with retention of eye reflexes.
- Damage to the secondary visual centre leads to optical or visual agnosia (blindness of the soul), dyslexia and alexia.