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Corpus: Nasopalatine nerve

1. Definition

The nasopalatine nerve is the largest and longest branch of the posterior superior nasal branches from the pterygopalatine ganglion or maxillary nerve (V2).

2. Anatomy

The nasopalatine nerve passes through the sphenopalatine foramen and runs along the roof of the nose, passing by the opening of the sphenoid sinus, through the nasal cavity. It then travels between the periosteum and the nasal mucosa in the nasopalatine groove, running diagonally downward over the nasal septum.

Once it reaches the floor of the nasal cavity, it passes through the incisive canal to the hard palate and is distributed through fine branches in the adjacent oral mucosa. It communicates with the nerve on the opposite side and the greater palatine nerve.

3. Function

The nasopalatine nerve supplies the palatal side of the alveolar process and the adjacent oral mucosa of the anterior hard palate behind the upper incisors. It also supplies parts of the nasal mucosa of the nasal septum.

4. Clinic

During surgeries on the palate, the nasopalatine nerve can be anesthetized using conduction anesthesia. Precise localization and measurement of the canal using imaging techniques are necessary when planning anterior dental implants to avoid perforation of the canal.

Stichworte: Corpus, Head, Nerve, Nerve branch


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Letzter Edit:
27.06.2024, 12:28
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