Corpus: Left coronary artery

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Synonym: left coronary artery
'''English (LCA), left main coronary artery (LMCA)


The arteria coronaria sinistra, or ACS for short, is one of the two coronary arteries of the heart.



The arteria coronaria sinistra arises from the left aortic sinus behind the insertion of the aortic valve (valvula semilunaris sinistra). In about 75 % of cases, it is more pronounced than the right coronary artery. It runs a short distance between the conus arteriosus and the left auricle and then splits into two main branches:

  • Ramus circumflexus
  • Ramus interventricularis anterior


  • Ramus circumflexus
    • Ramus nodi sinuatrialis
    • Ramus atrioventriculares
    • Ramus marginalis sinister (ramus marginalis)
    • Ramus atrialis sinister (intermedius)
    • Ramus atrialis anastomoticus (globular artery)
    • Ramus posterior ventriculi sinistri (ramus posterolateralis sinister)
  • Ramus interventricularis anterior (RIVA, LAD)
    • Ramus coni arteriosi
    • Ramus lateralis (Ramus diagonalis, Ramus anterolateralis)
    • Rami interventriculares septales (Rami septales anteriores)

Supply area[Bearbeiten]

The left coronary artery supplies the following structures of the heart in particular:

  • left atrium
  • left ventricle
  • parts of the anterior wall of the right ventricle
  • anterior two thirds of the ventricular septum

see main article: Coronary artery
