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Corpus: Landsmeer ligament

named after the Dutch surgeon Johan Matthijs Frederik Landsmeer (1919-1999)
Synonym: oblique retinacular ligament

1. Definition

The Landsmeer ligaments are ligamentous structures of the fingers. They consist of an oblique and a transverse component, each directly involved in the flexion and extension of the interphalangeal joints.

2. Anatomy

The oblique Landsmeer ligament (oblique retinacular ligament, ORL) runs palmar to the PIP joint and dorsal to the DIP axis. It is pulled proximally by extension at the PIP joint and thus contributes to the extension of the DIP joint.

The transverse Landsmeer ligament (transverse retinacular ligament, TRL) runs laterally to the PIP joint from palmar to dorsal. It stabilizes the collateral ligaments of the respective finger during flexion.

3. Function

The function of the Landsmeer ligaments is to synchronize and stabilize the movement of the two distal phalanges of the fingers.

Stichworte: Corpus, Finger, Ligament


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20.03.2024, 14:57
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