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Corpus: Inferior gluteal nerve

1. Definition

The inferior gluteal nerve is a mixed peripheral nerve that originates from the sacral plexus. It contains fibers from the spinal cord segments L5 to S2.

2. Course

The inferior gluteal nerve emerges from the sacral plexus caudal to the superior gluteal nerve. It runs alongside with the sciatic nerve towards the infrapiriform foramen. Exiting the small pelvis through this foramen, along with other structures, it travels to the gluteal region. At the lower edge of the piriformis muscle, the nerve divides into numerous muscular branches that provide the gluteus maximus muscle with motor innervation.

3D-Model of the nerves of the leg. The inferior gluteal nerve is labeled No. 7.

3. Function

The inferior gluteal nerve innervates the gluteus maximus muscle and sends sensitive branches to the joint capsule of the hip joint.

4. Clinic

Lesions of the inferior gluteal nerve, which may occur due to incorrect intramuscular injections or nerve compression, can lead to unilateral loss of function of the gluteus maximus muscle. Bilateral isolated failure of the inferior gluteal nerve is rare.

Such paresis significantly impairs thigh extension and external rotation at the hip joint, leading to difficulties in rising from a sitting position and climbing stairs. Paraesthesia (abnormal sensations) does not occur. Normal walking is less affected as the hamstring muscles can largely compensate for the loss.

Stichworte: Corpus, Nerve


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Letzter Edit:
10.06.2024, 14:20
12 Aufrufe
Nutzung: BY-NC-SA