Corpus: Iliac crest
1. Definition
The term iliac crest refers to the free cranial edge of the wing of the ilium.
2. Anatomy
The iliac crest extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the posterior superior iliac spine. It has two distinct bony lips and an intermediate line, which serve as the insertion or origin of various muscles:
- Outer lip (Labium externum): Insertion of the external abdominal oblique muscle
- Intermediate line (Linea intermedia): Origin of the obliquus internus muscle
- Inner Lip (Labium internum): Origin of the transversus abdominis muscle
3. Clinic
The iliac crest is an important anatomical landmark. It is thickened and easily palpable beneath the skin, making it a common site for bone marrow harvesting.
The line connecting the two highest points of the iliac crest is called the Jacoby line, and the transverse plane in which these points lie is known as the supracristal plane.