Corpus: Greater trochanter

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Synonyms: greater trochanter femoris, large rolling hill


The greater trochanter is a strong bony projection of the femur (thigh bone) that serves as a muscle insertion.


The greater trochanter is located in the transition area between the body of the femur (corpus femoris) and the neck of the femur (collum femoris). It is orientated slightly laterally and posteriorly and extends about 1 cm less cranially than the head of the femur (caput femoris).


The lateral surface of the trochanter is roughly quadrangular, rough and convex. It is intersected by a diagonal depression that serves as an insertion for the gluteus medius muscle. The triangular area above the depression is rough and serves as an insertion surface for the same muscle. The corresponding area below the depression is smooth and provides a drainage surface for the tendon of the gluteus medius muscle, which is cushioned by a bursa.

The medial trochanteric surface is significantly smaller than the lateral one. At its base there is a deep indentation, the trochanteric fossa, which accommodates the tendon of the obturator externus muscle. Superior and anterior to the fossa there is a smaller indentation for the insertion of the internal obturator muscle and the gemelli muscles.

Latin German
Musculus gluteus medius middle gluteal muscle
Musculus gluteus minimus small gluteal muscle
piriformis muscle pear-shaped muscle
Musculus obturator internus inner hip hole muscle
Musculi gemelli twin muscle


The upper margin (superior margo) of the trochanter is thick and irregular. It has an impression in the centre for the tendon of the piriformis muscle. The inferior margin (margo inferior) is marked by a slightly curved bony edge that serves as the origin of the vastus lateralis muscle. The prominent anterior edge (margo anterior) is the insertion of the gluteus minimus muscle. The free posterior edge (margo posterior) is rounded and clearly protrudes.

The crista intertrochanterica, which connects the greater trochanter with the lesser trochanter, is attached to the dorsal side of the femur.


The greater trochanter is an important anatomical landmark. In emergency medicine, for example, it is used to correctly position a pelvic sling.

Pain in the area of the greater trochanter can be caused by the greater trochanter pain syndrome (GTPS).
