Corpus: Prepuce
Synonym: foreskin
1. Definition
The prepuce, or foreskin, is a movable fold of skin that covers the glans penis in men and the clitoris in women.
In clinical practice, the term "prepuce" typically refers to the male foreskin, which is discussed in more detail below.
see also: clitoral prepuce
2. Anatomy
The prepuce consists of two layers: the inner and outer layers, also referred to as the inner and outer foreskin.
The inner layer of the prepuce starts at the coronary sulcus, just behind the glans penis, and is a direct continuation of the skin covering the glans. Behind the urethral opening, it forms a fold known as the penile frenulum. The inner layer contains glands that produce a sebaceous secretion.
When the prepuce covers the glans penis, it creates a space known as the preputial sac. At the distal end of the glans penis, the inner layer of the foreskin transitions into the outer layer, which merges seamlessly with the skin of the penis.
Like the skin of the penis, the prepuce receives its blood supply from the dorsal artery of the penis.
2.1. Innervation
The foreskin is packed with specialized nerve endings and erogenous tissue. [1] [2]
These nerve endings include meissner's corpuscles, pacinian corpuscles, ruffini receptors, and merkel cells, all of which are sensitive to light touch and fine stimuli.
In contrast, the glans penis primarily contains non-specialized free nerve endings that respond to more general stimuli such as strong pressure or temperature changes.
3. Function
The prepuce acts as a movable skin fold that provides extra skin during erection, allowing flexibility. It also serves as a protective barrier, shielding the glans from external irritants.
4. Clinic
Phimosis refers to the congenital or acquired narrowing of the foreskin, which can obstruct its retraction. Inflammation of the foreskin is called posthitis.
5. Sources
- ↑ Boyle, G; Goldman, R; Svoboda, J; Fernandez E(2002)."Male Circumcision: Pain, Trauma and Psychosexual Sequelae". Journal of Health Psychology7(3): 329-343. PMID 22114254.
- ↑ Taylor, JR; Lockwood, AP; Taylor, AJ(1996)."The prepuce: specialised mucosa of the penis and its loss to circumcision". Br J Urol77(2): 291-5. PMID 8800902.
6. Weblinks
- Cold CJ, Taylor JR(1999)."The prepuce". BJU Int83 Suppl. 1: 34-44. - Reference work on the function and anatomy of the foreskin
- Care of the foreskin - Information from the Paediatric Society of New Zealand