Corpus: Dorsalis pedis artery

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Synonym: dorsalis pedis artery
The dorsalis pedis artery is the continuation of the anterior tibial artery.
The dorsalis pedis artery runs from the joint capsule of the ankle joint lateral to the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus muscle over the back of the foot (dorsum pedis), where it is usually easy to feel for pulse measurement.
Shortly after it is crossed by the tendon of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle, it branches into the following branches:
- Lateral tarsal artery (anastomoses with the arcuate artery, among others)
- Medial tarsal artery
- Arteria arcuata (from which the arteriae metatarseae dorsales II-IV arise)
- Arteria metatarsea dorsalis I
- Arteria plantaris profunda
The dorsalis pedis artery serves as a reference vessel when checking the vascular status of the lower extremity. It can be felt along its course on the back of the foot.