Corpus: Cerebellar vermis

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Synonym: cerebellar worm


The vermis cerebelli is the unpaired middle part of the cerebellum through which the paired cerebellar hemispheres (Hemisphaeria cerebelli) are connected.


The vermis cerebelli can be clearly recognised by the facies inferior cerebelli. At its base it forms a furrow known as the vallecula cerebelli. Together with the velum medullare superius, the pedunculi cerebellares superiores and the velum medullare inferius, the vermis cerebelli forms the roof of the ventriculus quartus cerebri.

The nucleus fastigii (roof nucleus) is located in the white matter of the cerebellar vermis.

Fine subdivision[Bearbeiten]

From cranial to caudal, the vermis can be subdivided into the following lobules:

  • Lingula cerebelli
  • Lobulus centralis
  • Culmen
  • Declive
  • Folium vermis
  • Tuber vermis
  • Pyramis vermis
  • Uvula vermis
  • Nodulus vermis


You can memorise the order of the lobules with the mnemonic: "'L'acht l'iebe K'ollegen, de'r f'iese Tuber' p'rüft u'ns n'icht".[1]


Chronic alcohol abuse leads, among other things, to atrophy of the cerebellar vermis (alcoholic cerebellar degeneration).


Image source[Bearbeiten]

  • Podcast image source: © Moritz Mentges / Unsplash


  1. Kenhub - Video: Cerebellum, retrieved 28 Oct 2024
