Corpus: Carotid canal

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Synonym: carotid canal
The carotid canal is a bony canal in the temporal bone (pars petrosa ossis temporalis) through which the internal carotid artery passes with its pars petrosa.
The carotid canal has an almost circular cross-section. In addition to the internal carotid artery, it contains vegetative nerve fibres that accompany the artery as the internal carotid plexus. These fibres form the profundus petrosus nerve, among others.
The internal orifice (orificium internum) of the carotid canal lies at the apex of the petrous pyramid and thus in the cranial fossa. It continues in the carotid sulcus of the sphenoid bone.
Small canals branch off from the carotid canal to the tympanic cavity, the canaliculi caroticotympanici.