Corpus: Anterior superior alveolar nerve
Synonym: anterior superior alveolar branch
1. Definition
The anterior superior alveolar nerve is a branch of the infraorbital nerve. Its branches extend into the superior dental plexus and provide sensory innervation to the nasal mucosa, incisors, and canines.
2. Anatomy
The anterior superior alveolar nerve branches off from the infraorbital nerve just before it passes through the infraorbital foramen. It descends through a small bony canal in the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and divides into branches that supply the incisors and canines.
The anterior superior alveolar nerve communicates with the middle superior alveolar nerve, forming part of the superior dental plexus, and also gives off a small branch to the nose. This nasal branch travels through a channel to the lateral wall of the inferior nasal meatus, supplying the nasal mucosa and communicating with nasal branches of the sphenopalatine ganglion.