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Corpus: Anterior spinal vein

1. Definition

The anterior spinal vein is a longitudinal vein located on the front surface of the spinal cord and is part of its superficial venous system.

See also: Posterior spinal vein

2. Anatomy

The anterior spinal vein runs alongside the anterior spinal artery on the ventral surface of the spinal cord. It follows a slightly winding course within the anterior median fissure and drains blood through horizontal connections into the anterior radicular veins, which subsequently flow into the internal vertebral venous plexus.

The anterior spinal vein is responsible for collecting blood from the ventral regions of the spinal cord.

3. Clinical Significance

Blockage or disruption of the anterior spinal vein can lead to blood congestion within the spinal cord, potentially resulting in spinal cord damage.

Stichworte: Corpus, Vein


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Letzter Edit:
10.09.2024, 11:22
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