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Corpus: Brachial artery

Johannes Betz
DocCheck Team
Dr. Frank Antwerpes
Arzt | Ärztin
Dr. rer. nat. Fabienne Reh
DocCheck Team
Johannes Betz, Dr. Frank Antwerpes + 1

from latin: arteria - artery; brachium - arm


The brachial artery is a large arterial blood vessel in the area of the upper arm. It is a continuation of the axillary artery, which changes its name at about the level of the lower edge of the tendon of the teres major muscle. It retains this name until it branches into its two end branches (radial artery and ulnar artery) in the cubital fossa.

The short section of the brachial artery that runs in the cubital fossa is also called the "cubital artery".

3D model of the arteries of the arm, the brachial artery is labeled no. 1

Stichworte: Artery, Corpus, Vessel
20 Aufrufe
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Bearbeitet von Frank Antwerpes am 20.03.2024 Geprüft von DocCheck
Letzter Edit: 20.03.2024, 14:48